FLS - Foxx Life Sciences
FLS stands for Foxx Life Sciences
Here you will find, what does FLS stand for in Biotechnology under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Foxx Life Sciences? Foxx Life Sciences can be abbreviated as FLS What does FLS stand for? FLS stands for Foxx Life Sciences. What does Foxx Life Sciences mean?The Biotechnology company falls under biotechnology category and is located in Salem, New Hampshire and handles biotechnology.
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Alternative definitions of FLS
- Fame, Lame, And Shame
- Flowserve Corporation
- Forward Looking Sonar
- Feedback Locating System
- Front-Line States
- Fundamentals Of Land Surveying
- Field Loadable Software
- Flinders Island, Tasmania, Australia
View 84 other definitions of FLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FWS Fire Without Smoke
- FHHL Flynn Heath Holt Leadership
- FE The Financial Express
- FPAI Family Planning Association of India
- FGL Fortress Gb Limited
- FAIMER Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
- FTG Floral Trade Group
- FML Firebrand Media LLC
- FMTPL Fischer Measurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- FSS Fontana Sports Specialties
- FBC Fellowship Baptist Church
- FSC Future State Consulting
- FFCU Fort Financial Credit Union
- FOJS Family Owned Jewelry Store
- FFL Fahmy Furniture LLC
- FC The Ferber Company
- FAI Fiesta Auto Insurance
- FTS Fillon Technologies Sas
- FGI Freshly Ground Insights
- FCIL Fusion Consulting International Ltd